Sakamoto Days’ anime has just made its debut on Netflix and the episode doesn’t disappoint. The anime adaptation is based on Yuto Suzuki’s Weekly Shonen Jump hit, which debuted in 2020. The manga is currently ongoing and the anime debut is confirmed for two seasons as of the writing of this article. The series follows former assassin, Taro Sakamoto, once feared as the greatest hitman of all time, but is now retired after getting married. Five years later, he lives a peaceful life with his family running a convenience store. However, trouble comes knocking at his door and now Taro must face his past to protect his family.
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The anime adaptation by TMS Entertainment studio received backlash after the opening credits were introduced. While fans loved the song by Vaundy, they criticized the opening visuals. Most of the community was upset with the theme, but some also spoke in favor. Regardless of the controversy, the anime drops a stunning first episode with one of the best introduction scenes. While it’s true the anime doesn’t have what many fans consider a godly adaptation like Jujutsu Kaisen and Dandadan, it has a nostalgic 2000s vibe and a unique charm to it. The bright color palette truly helps in making the visuals look appealing. And some of the action sequences were adapted quite well. The Sakamoto Days manga is famous for its excellent fight choreography and it’s clear that the anime put a lot of effort into it.
[RELATED: Sakamoto Days’ OP by Vaundy Disappoints Fans Ahead of Netflix Release]
What Happens in Sakamoto Days Episode 1?
Sakamoto Days Episode 1 fully adapts the first chapter of the manga. Just like the original source, the anime kicks off with Taro’s iconic entrance following him through his days as an assassin. He later meets Aoi at a convenience store and falls in love with her at first sight. The two get married and live a peaceful life with their daughter. Since Taro has retired as an assassin, he runs a convenience store with his wife.
Shin Asakura, someone Taro worked with in the past comes to find him in the store. He’s surprised to see a different version of the dangerous man he once knew. Shin is a clairvoyant, which means he can read people’s minds within a 20-meter radius. Taro is able to communicate with Shin without saying anything, which shows that the two have a mutual trust despite not seeing each other for over five years.
Although Shin looks up to Taro, he’s being forced to target his hero. After Shin runs into trouble with the other hitmen, Taro rescues him from the den of the beasts. The episode also proves that he hasn’t lost his edge in five years despite getting out of shape. The episode ends with Shin starting to live with the Sakamoto Family. He quits his life as a hitman and will now be working as
The first episode of the anime is currently streaming on Netflix. The first season of Sakamoto Days is listed for 11 episodes and it will release new episodes every Saturday. Additionally, the anime has already confirmed its second season, which is scheduled to release in July 2025.