My Happy Marriage returns with its second season as part of the exciting Winter 2025 lineup. This historical romance anime is based on Akumi Agitogi’s novel of the same name. The anime debuted in July 2024 and is back with a second season less than a year later. The story follows Miyo Saimori, who has gone through several hardships after her mother’s death. Born without a special ability in the esteemed Saimori Family which is known for producing talented gift users, Miyo is treated harshly by her stepmother and stepsister.
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Her father’s indifference makes things more difficult for her since she’s forced to work as a maid in her own house. However, her life turns for the better when she’s sent to Kiyoka Kudo’s house as his fiancee. Being fully aware of Kiyoka’s notorious reputation, she steps into the house, afraid of being mistreated, unaware of the blissful life awaiting her. The second season debuted on January 6th, 2025, and is listed for 13 episodes. This means the second season will likely cover volumes 4 to 6 of the light novel since the first season adapted Volumes 1 to 3.
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Where to Watch My Happy Marriage Season 2
The first episode of My Happy Marriage Season 2 is currently streaming on Netflix. The streaming giant will release new episodes every Monday for the rest of the season. Additionally, you can watch the previous season and an OVA episode on the same platform. The anime episodes are broadcast on Japanese television networks every week. However, the series isn’t available on any other streaming platform other than Netflix for international viewers.
While the account sharing the episode count is unofficial, it’s known for sharing reliable information. The episode count is also updated in MyAnimeList, so there’s little room for error unless the animation studio makes last-minute changes, which is unlikely. Season 1 ran for 12 episodes, followed by an OVA episode titled “Episode 13.” The extra episode is canon as it follows Miyo in her first official banquet as Kiyoka’s fiancee. She meets Hazuki’s ex-husband and son as well as Prince Takaihito, the heir to the throne.
What Happens in My Happy Marriage Season 2 Episode 1?
Season 2 kicks off with the introduction of Kiyoka’s parents. While his father appears to be a gentle and patient man, his mother, Fuyu doesn’t hide her hostility towards Miyo. Fuyu is unbelievably harsh towards her future daughter-in-law, much to Kiyoka’s anger. Miyo notices the rocky relationship between Kiyoka and Fuyu and tries her best not to make things difficult for her fiancee. However, she may be in more trouble than she originally thought.
Furthermore, the first episode takes a dark turn with Prince Takaihito’s precognition. He warns Arata about an approaching calamity that will soak the capital with the blood of the Usuba. Amid the chaos, the only hope they have is Miyo, the Dream Sight Maiden, and those who support her. As shown in the first season, her ability is quite terrifying as it allows her to manipulate the minds of others and is designed to target humans instead of Grotesqueries.
H/T: @shoujocrave, MyAnimeList